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We are independent experts for all aspects of investment compliance, fund lifecycle management and regulatory intelligence.
Our expertise includes regulatory requirements, KVG processes, fund and mandate contracts as well as asset managers and depositaries. We are well versed in industry standards, standard software, migrations and mergers.
We have been supporting the leading players in asset management and their software providers since 2002. Averroes Concept offers both professionals and career starters exciting challenges and excellent development prospects.
Investment Compliance
Process design. System migration. Day-to-day business. Know-how transfer.
Averroes Concept offers specialized solutions for meeting regulatory requirements in the area of investment compliance. We help companies to efficiently monitor regulations, minimize risks and optimize processes so that their investments are always compliant.
Fund Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management for Asset Management with the FundDesigner
Averroes Concept accompanies you through the entire fund life cycle – from establishment to administration and settlement. We optimize processes and ensure that all regulatory requirements are met to ensure efficient fund management.
Regulatory Intelligence
Seamless information on regulatory events in the financial industry
Averroes Concept offers in-depth insights into current regulatory developments. We always keep you informed about relevant regulations so that you can react early and adapt your compliance strategies efficiently.

As an independent consulting firm, we combine the comprehensive expertise and many years of experience of a dedicated team of economists and computer scientists.
In close cooperation with our partners, we develop tailor-made solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers. We support them not only in optimizing their processes, but also in meeting complex regulatory requirements.
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